Helping you move up the ladderUpgrading the Insight department and the people that work with Insight through training, individual coaching and tools. CMI departments have to deliver cheaper, faster results and must generate more business impact. A CMI department has to be organized in a way that enables these needs, having the right structure, processes and tools in place.
Insights PlanningAdopting a structured and pro-active Insights planning process, aligned with the business planning cycle will result in higher impact and more efficient use of resources. It will make sure Insights is involved in the most relevant business decisions.
We can help by identifying Insight needs and mapping them in a yearly roadmap, combining known information and new insights needs. This roadmap is the foundation for a sensible research project planning that will match the identified Insight needs throughout the year. This way you make sure high value projects can be delivered within time and budget. It will also make sure that information and Insights that are already available are optimally utilized. |
Other services that will upgrade your Insights capabilities:
- Data Household and Knowledge Management Infrastructure: Storing, retrieving and using that what is already known in an effective and efficient system which is indispensable for effective Insights planning.
- Supplier Scan: Evaluating your current suppliers along our Future Proof Insights criteria and evaluate their cost effectiveness. Per supplier we can provide recommendations for improvement of the work they do and link them to the Insights planning.
- Budget Analysis: An analysis of your spending's effectiveness within the context of the Insights planning.